”Notes from Benidorm” – artist book (in Swedish)

It all started a few years ago when I found faded old photographs of my father. Photographs taken a long ago on a sunny Spanish coast, perhaps in Benidorm, that glittering city of skyscrapers by the Mediterranean Sea. The city where Sylvia Plath and Ted Hughes spent their honeymoon in 1956. Among the photographs, I also found pictures of myself, and with the images of my younger self, I also came to understand my own mortality. Everything has a timeline with a beginning and an end, and on that line, we try to fulfill what life expects of us. I decided to travel to Benidorm to rediscover myself. I was on my way to Benidorm. Then, something happened, and suddenly, I found myself going nowhere. I remained in the corner of my sofa, and what started there became “Notes from Benidorm.”. A personal story from the sofa about myself, dreams, forgetting, remembering, my dad, Sylvia Plath, Benidorm, and to lose.

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